I first learn how to count roman numbers in mathletics when I was in Bubble School. I learnt which letters mean numbers and I learnt how to count those letter and how to read them. It was pretty hard to finish because before I had no idea how roman numbers work and I had no idea what it meant. In the end with some help from Mrs Bava I figured it out and how to work with them.
The work this time was pretty easy to finish as the last time I did it I found it challenging. I had to do the roman numbers task in Mathletics a lot of times so I could learn and get them all right.
The hardest part in this work was starting it because when i took a look in all of my tasks in Mathletics the next one was roman numbers. I was curiosity so i click on the task to see what was about and it appears a lot of things that i couldn't understand. It was letters that I had no idea what it means at all so the first 5 times I did the same work I had to try guess what numbers the letters meant. So it took me a long time to learn them and read them but at the end I finally got all of the questions right.
In the future I will try to do this more faster and I wouldn't took so long like the first time I did it but next time i will try to learn more roman numbers and more about them. What should i do next time about roman numbers?